[Free.47PJ] Cyber Threat The Rise of Information Geopolitics in U.S. National Security (Praeger Security International)
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This book presents a holistic view of the geopolitics of cyberspace that have arisen over the past decade, utilizing recent events to explain the international security dimension of cyber threat and vulnerability, and to document the challenges of controlling information resources and protecting computer systems.• Provides relevant, rigorous information to those in the computer security field while also being accessible to a general audience of policy, international security, and military readers who seek to understand the cyber security issue and how it has evolved• Documents how contemporary society is dependent upon cyberspace for its function, and that the understanding of how it works and how it can be broken is knowledge held by a precious few• Informs both technically savvy readers who build and maintain the infrastructure of cyberspace and the policymakers who develop rules, processes, and laws on how the cyber security problem is managed terrorism facts information pictures Encyclopedia.com ... Get information facts and pictures about terrorism at Encyclopedia.com. Make research projects and school reports about terrorism easy with credible articles from ... Arab Spring - Wikipedia Etymology. The term "Arab Spring" is an allusion to the Revolutions of 1848 which is sometimes referred to as the "Springtime of Nations" and the Prague Spring in 1968. Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization A proposal submitted to the 15-member United Nations Security Council on March 3 calls for the deployment of an additional 12000 foreign troops to the Central ... Media and Elections - ACE Electoral Knowledge Network The Importance of the Media to Elections. Media and Elections Index. Media and Elections Quiz. The media are essential to democracy and a democratic election is ...
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