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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified youth violence as a major public health problem. What impact does exposure to violence--be it in the form of victimization, observation, or knowledge--have on young people How do they develop a sense of morality And how does it affect their perception of the world around them Devoted to this crisis in American life, this volume--originally published as a special issue of the journal Psychiatry--documents the rise in violence in our communities and explores its impact on children's physical, psychological, and social development. We know from police statistics, as well as from the evening news, that the violence in many American communities is increasing at an alarming rate. To assess the impact this may have on children, however, more detailed epidemiological data is needed. We must ascertain the types of violent acts children experience, patterns and duration of their exposure, factors that increase some children's exposure, and factors that protect others. Reporting on studies that have been initiated in this area are three chapters that describe ground-breaking projects that are distinguished by their sensitivity to community dynamics and developmental processes. Strategies for intervention are addressed in chapters that delineate the need for immediate remedial action, describe positive effects research projects can have in volatile communities, report on the impact of an innovative intervention program, and assess the influence of television violence. Other contributions draw from research on the effects of child sexual abuse and maltreatment on children's development to discuss specific psychological processes that may mediate negative effects, as well as risk and protective factors in the culture, community, and family.Reflecting on the implications of our culture's violence on the early development and morality of our children, final chapters focus on the children who are currently facing sever adversity. Rounding out the volume, a powerful case is made for a deployment of the country's resources to support the potential for resilience in the children and families whose everyday lives are affected by this national problem. CSPC - Resources - Children Violence and the Media About Us Issues News Research Resources Contact Us Home : CHILDREN VIOLENCE AND THE MEDIA. A Report for Parents and Policy ... Raising Children to Resist Violence: What You Can Do Children learn aggressive behavior early in life. Several strategies can help parents and others teach kids to manage their emotions without using violence. Effects of Domestic Violence on Children and Adolescents ... I. What Is Domestic Violence? In the past two decades there has been growing recognition of ... violence againSt children in schools and edUcational settings v iolence against children in schools and ed U cational settings 0 violence againSt children in schools and edUcational settings 4 Introduction 111 Children's Exposure to Violence - Child Trends In 2014 more than two-thirds of children (ages 17 and younger) were exposed to violence within the past year either directly (as victims) or indirectly (as witnesses). Children And TV Violence American children watch an average of four hours of television daily. Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior. SRSG on Violence Against Children Childrens protection from violence is a legal and ethical imperative and it is also a distinct priority in the global sustainable development agenda. Children and Domestic Violence National Child Traumatic ... Exposure Children are exposed to or experience domestic violence in many ways. They may hear one parent/caregiver threaten the other observe a parent who is out of ... Violence against children - UNICEF/HQ00-0983/Achinto. The daughter of a sex worker India. Introduction The United Nations Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children has been a ... Effects of domestic violence on children - Wikipedia Effects of domestic violence on children result from witnessing domestic violence in a home where one of their parents are abusing the other parent plays a ...
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