[Free Download.pBcM] NHibernate 2 Beginner Guide
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This is a beginner's guide to NHibernate that starts from ground zero. Successive chapters build upon earlier concepts, while the sample code presents various ways to accomplish typical data access tasks. Within a few chapters you have a running application using NHibernate to retrieve and store data.We examine all of the topics required to get a functional data access layer implemented by writing the least amount of code possible, presenting options along the way to handle particular edge cases or situations as they arise.When you have completed the various exercises you will have running data-bound desktop and web applications, as well as an understanding of how to implement NHibernate in your own applications. This book is for new and seasoned developers of .NET web or desktop applications who want a better way to access database data. It is a basic introduction to NHibernate, with enough information to get a solid foundation in using NHibernate. Some advanced concepts are presented where appropriate to enhance functionality or in situations where they are commonly used. c - Which .NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth ... Which C/.NET Dependency Injection frameworks are worth looking into? And what can you say about their complexity and speed. Introduction to ASP.NET Boilerplate - CodeProject Download sample application (or see on Github) Contents. Introduction to the problem; What is ASP.NET Boilerplate; What ASP.NET Boilerplate is not; Getting started Dependency Injection and Unit Of Work using Castle Windsor ... An implementation of dependency injection repository and unit of work patterns using Castle Windsor and NHibernate.; Author: Halil ibrahim Kalkan; Updated: 9 May ... : NoSQL DISTILLED. A Brief Guide to the Emerging World of Polyglot Persistence; : ... Software development training Pluralsight Take your development skills to the next level with courses on popular programming languages developer tools software practices and application development platforms. All eBooks - Free Download IT eBooks All eBooks - IT eBook free library ... Title: ISBN: Page: Year.NET Development Using the Compiler API: 978-1-484221-10-5 ASP.NET Tutorials - Bean Software Services A lot of unique and high quality ASP.NET tutorials C Programming Books - Free Computer Books Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C (Svetlin Nakov) This book is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming logical thinking ... Cheat Sheets for Developers Cheat Sheets for Developers. The largest collection of reference cards for developers. NHibernate - Wikipedia NHibernate is an object-relational mapping (ORM) solution for the Microsoft .NET platform. It provides a framework for mapping an object-oriented domain model to a ...
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